University of Washington (Seattle, Washington)
Undergraduate Population: 30,905 total
U.S. Department of College Scorecard: Graduation rate, majors, costs, salaries
Official Website:
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Snapchat | LinkedIn
College Newspaper:

QUICK CLIPS: University of Washington
Micaela didn't think she could afford to go to college...
How GEAR UP helped Jennifer with everything college
How Jair discovered his passion and found his dream school
How GEAR UP's programs helped Raul prepare for college
Martin mentors high school students to Dare to Dream
Going away to college was a difficult decision for David
Why David applied for every scholarship possible
How Flor went from struggling student to thriving student
GEAR UP gave Rosa support, guidance, and family

Micaela Ruiz
Hometown: Toppenish, Washington
High School: Toppenish High School
College: University of Washington
Year in College: Class of 2022
Major: B.S Physiology/ B.A Psychology
Micaela’s Places: UW ALVA GenOM Project, UW Neurobiology Club, UW Mixed Student Union, UW MAPS ,Undergraduate Research Leaders (Undergraduate Research Program), Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, OMA&D Mentor Protege For Success Mentor, Ethnic Cultural Center
High School Places: Knowledge Bowl, Miss Toppenish Royalty, Over 200+ hours of community service, Honors Society, Wrestling Cheerleader, Tennis, Robotics, HOSA, Link Crew, Chamber Choir, Independent Art Study
First Gen?: Yes
Reach out to Micaela: email: | | Instagram: @_mvr25
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

David Cueva
Hometown: Buena, Washington
High School: Toppenish High School
College: University of Washington
Year in College: Class of 2022
Major: Computer Science
David’s Places: CAMP - College Assistant Migrant Program, S.T.A.R.S in Engineering WA State Academic Redshirt Program, Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Inc, GEN1.
High School Extracurriculars: VEX Robotics, TSA, Soccer
First-gen student: Yes
Reach out to David by e-mail:
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

Raul Villanueva
Hometown: Toppenish, WA
High School: Toppenish High School
College: University of Washington
Year in College: Class of 2022
Major: Electrical Engineering
Raul’s Places: STARS Washington State Academic RedShirt Program - CAMP College Assistance Migrant Program - SHPE - Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers - AVELA - A Vision for Electronic Literacy and Access, EPE - Engineering Peer Educator. EA - Engineering Ambassador
High School Places: VEX Robotics, MECHA-Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, TSA-Technology Student Association, Soccer
Are you a first-generation student?: Yes
Reach out to Raul on Instagram: @villanueva.rau1
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

Flor Gomez
Hometown: Mount Vernon, Washington
High School: Mount Vernon High School
Year in College: Class of 2021
College: University of Washington
Major: American Ethnic Studies
Flor's Places in College: UW IELP (International English Language Partner), JSA (Japanese Student Association): Learning about Japanese culture and traditions, KSA (Korean Student Association): Learning about Korean culture, CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program), UW Study Abroad
High School Places: Migrant Leaders Club, Kpop Club, Bowling Team
First-generation student?: Yes
Best social media contact: Facebook: Flor Gomez
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

David Telix
Hometown: Mount Vernon, Washington
High School: Mount vernon high school
College: University of Washington
Year in College: Class of 2021
Major: food system, health, and nutrition
David’s Places: Leadership without borders ( that helps undocumented students), Purple group (club for undocumented students), Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity inc. The Brotherhood Initiative (class similar to CAMP to help students navigate college) Ethnic cultural center, Lift heavy Lift Happy (club)
High School Places: Track and field, Gaming club, 21st volunteer
First generation student: yes
Reach out to David on Instagram: @daah_veed and Snapchat: davisilver98
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

Jennifer Santiago-Flores
Hometown: Mount Vernon
High School: Mount Vernon High School
College: University of Washington
Year in College: Class of 2021
Major: Business Administration
Jennifer’s Places: I made friends by attending classes and talking with my classmates.
High School Places: FFA, FBLA and LEAP
First-generation student? Yes
Reach out to Jennifer on Instagram: @Jennysanti13
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

Martin Cueva
Hometown: Toppenish, WA
High School: Toppenish High School
College: University of Washington
Year in College: Class of 2022
Major: Political Science with a focus in Economy
Martin’s Places: Omega Delta Phi Fraternity Inc., UW CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program). Dare to Dream summer mentorship program at UW. Basketball UW IMA (Intramural Activity Building).
High School Places: Football, Pep Band, Marching Band, Golf, Leadership (Involved community projects)
First Gen?: Yes
Reach out to Martin on Instagram: @martinjr_109
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

Rosa Mendoza
Hometown: Mount Vernon, WA
High School: Mount Vernon High School
Year in College: Class of 2021
Major: Double major: Education, Community, and Organization (ECO) and American Ethnic Studies (AES). Minor: Diversity
Rosa's Places in College: Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC), UW Purple Group, Leadership Without Borders Husky Lending Library
Rosa's Places in High School: Migrant Leaders Club; advocating for migrant workers, traveling to other states to do public speaking, help sell the club books written by migrant students. Tennis: two years
Are you a first-generation student?: Yes
Reach out to Rosa on: Facebook: Rosa Mendoza and Instagram: @rosamendoza630
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here

Jair Lopez
Hometown: Toppenish, WA (Actually Detroit, MI)
High school: Toppenish High School
College: University of Washington
Year in college: Class of 2022
Major: Civil Engineering
Jair’s Places: S.T.A.R.S., Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Inc.
High School Places: VEX Robotics and Soccer
First gen?: Yes
Reach out to Jair on Instagram: @jair_609
Watch Full College Conversation: Click Here
New York Times bestselling author Harlan Cohen talks with current and recent students about life in college. For more videos visit BeforeCollegeTV on YouTube. For more information about Harlan Cohen visit him online at: or follow him on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Tik Tok | LinkedIn | Snapchat (helpmeharlan).
DISCLAIMER: All views expressed by panelists and participants are their own and are in no way endorsed, officially affiliated, or representative of the institution, Harlan Cohen, or BeforeCollegeTV. All views expressed on panelists social media are not endorsed or affiliated with Harlan Cohen and BeforeCollegeTV. Students views, opinions, and advice are their own. ALWAYS contact official representatives to verify and validate any information provided