How do you go from high school to college? What challenges will you face? These GEAR UP students generously volunteered to share their journeys, insights, and wisdom. If you have questions, reach out. They are just some of the people in your corner.
Amaria shares how GEAR UP helped her prepare and navigate college
Jada shares how GEAR UP helped her find money to pay for college
Jackson shares how he was able to spend a year of high school in Germany
Emmanuel shares a message to an advisor who continues to change his life
Iniya shares the value of therapy and how it's impacted her life
Sheresa shares how she made friends as an online students living off campus
Darius explains how he found his community before arriving on campus
Monserrat shares how her high school advisor has helped her in college

Amaria Parker
Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina
High School: Westwood Highschool
College: Clemson University
Year in College: Class of 2024
Major: Biological Sciences
Amaria’s Places: Academic Success Center and Cooper Library which helps with all of your academic needs, there’s tutors, a writing center, places for you to study. Found most of my friends by going to Clemson Games.
High School Places: SGA, Beta Club, Redhawk Tv News, CFA leader academy, Black History Month Committee, National Honor Society, Miss Westwood Pageant, and National Art Honors Society.
Reach out to Amaria on Instagram: @amariarena
Watch Amaria's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Jada Senior
Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina
High School: RidgeView High School
College: University of South Carolina (Columbia)
Year in College: Class of 2024
Major: Nursing
Jada’s Places: SAVVY, AAAS, GroupMe
High School Places: Student Council, National Honors Society, National Art Honors Society, School for the Arts
First-Generation: Yes
Reach out to Jada on Instagram: or Snapchat: jadasenior
Watch Jada's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Jackson McFadden
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
High School: Spring Valley High School
College: University of South Carolina (Columbia)
Year in College: Class of 2024
Major: Psychology
Jackson’s Places: I have joined the Black and Abroad Gamecocks to encourage students to study abroad during college, the Black Honors Caucus to engage in interesting conversations with other phenomenal African Americans and am a part of the Shandon Baptist College Ministry.
High School Places: I was involved in Robotics, Technology Student Association, Mock Trial, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes in high school.
Reach out to Jackson on Instagram: @Jackson_the_Sage
Watch Jackson's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Emmanuel Riviera
Hometown: Laurens, South Carolina
High School : Laurens District 55
College: Piedmont Technical College
Year in College: Class of 2022
Major: Design Engineering
Emmanuel’s Places: Work and class
High School Places: Played soccer for 4 years. I also did NJROTC for 3 years
First-generation Student?: yes
Reach out to Emmanuel on Facebook: Emmanuel Rivera
Watch Emmanuel's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Iniya Cramer
Hometown: Saint Matthews, SC
High School: Calhoun County High School
College: Orangeburg Technical College
Year in School: Class of sophomore-class of 2023
Major: Nursing
Iniya’s Places: TRiO, The Student Success Center is amazing. They are very helpful. They even have a few of the biology models that you can practice with. The library also has great study rooms.
Reach out to Iniya on Instagram: @Simply.niyaaaaa
Watch Iniya's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Sheresa Sullivan
Hometown: Laurens, SC
High School: Laurens District 55
College: Piedmont Technical College
Year of College: Class of 2024
Major: Associate’s in Arts
Sheresa’s Places: I got to know people through my classes
High School Places: President of Ladies Club, National Honor Society, Step Team, Colorguard and Beta Club
First Generation Student: Yes
Reach out to Sheresa on Instagram: @ssheresa
Watch Sheres's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Darius Darby
Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina
High School: Richland Northeast High School
College: College of Charleston
Year in College: Class of 2024
Major: Theatre
Darius’ Places: Black Student Union, Spectra Program, Student Ambassadors, Resident Assistant
High School Places: Student Government, National Honor Society, Convergence Media Program, Thespian Honor Society
Reach out to Darius on Instagram: @dariusjdarby
Watch Darius's Full College Conversation: Watch Here

Monserrat Manzano
Hometown: Columbia, SC
High School: Richland Northeast High School
College: Coastal Carolina University
Year in College: Class of 2024
Major: Hospitality, Resort, and Tourism Management
Monserrat’s Places: Coastal Carolina University Honors Program
High School Places: National Honor Society, National Art Society, Orchestra, AVID, Key Club, Book Club, Interact Club, HOPE 365, and Interpreter Program.
First-Generation Student: Yes
Reach out to Monserrat on Instagram: @monsemanzano
Watch Monserrat's Full College Conversation: Watch Here
New York Times bestselling author Harlan Cohen talks with current and recent students about life in college. For more videos visit BeforeCollegeTV on YouTube. For more information about Harlan Cohen visit him online at: or follow him on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Tik Tok | LinkedIn | Snapchat (helpmeharlan).
DISCLAIMER: All views expressed by panelists and participants are their own and are in no way endorsed, officially affiliated, or representative of the institution, Harlan Cohen, or BeforeCollegeTV. All views expressed on panelists social media are not endorsed or affiliated with Harlan Cohen and BeforeCollegeTV. Students views, opinions, and advice are their own. ALWAYS contact official representatives to verify and validate any information provided